Mindful SWFL is a collective of persons seeking to lead more conscious, purposeful lives! Discover progressive news, insights, tips plus opinions on sustainable living in Southwest Florida. We’ll feature informational interviews as well as resources on eco-friendly housing, physical and emotional health, personal fitness, deliciously healthy cuisine, and a progressive, mindful lifestyle. Expand your horizons and meet with our other members! You’ll find thoughtful, compassionate, and friendly people like yourself!
Having a positive, open mindset and a desire to learn are encouraged here!
Years within the southwest Florida community have shown us viable reasons and real value in becoming a representative voice for our mindful community! It is our desire to maintain a positive, supportive forum of encouragement and empowerment!
Newer, more progressive values along with mindful, more health-focused lifestyles have emerged as the values reflecting a new generation! Today’s young adults seek lifestyles affording more focus on active, experiential living! ‘Minimalism’ has become a paradigm shift reflecting that desire.
Generation X-ers, as well as millennials, do not want the huge financial obligations of their parent’s generation.
Simply put, it is our sincere desire to foster growth within this community of mindfulness! As there (often) seems no permanence in anything but change, we want to embrace that! As we reflected on the last ten years in southwest Florida, we decided a fresh focus was overdue! We welcome the chance to expand the mindful collective here in southwest Florida!
Mindful SWFL will provide progressive, informative and non-political stories, plus scintillating and educational videos about learning to live mindfully! We’ll also maintain a directory of mindful businesses offering products and services of value to our site’s members here in southwest Florida. Whether you prefer your phone, tablet or sitting at your desk, at Mindful SWFL, you’ll find a local voice for personal enrichment, local events, entertainment, and progressive change!
Welcome to Mindful SWFL ~ Namasté!